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Monday, January 31, 2011

Move the Wall

For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:

As a workshop leader or seminar faculty, you can use this management
exercise “Move the Wall” to invoke a thought among the participants of your
program to help them to differentiate between the “area of concern” and the
“area of influence". This topic will relate to your sessions on
personality development, proactiveness, self or internal motivation, how to
become more effective etc.
This exercise is a very effective energizer and icebreaker also.

Divide the participants of the program randomly into two equal groups. To
know the method of random grouping, refer to the previous management exercise
titled “Participative Quiz”.
Ask the members of the first group to stand facing one wall of the
seminar room at an arm’s length from the wall. Similarly ask the members of the
second group to stand facing the other wall of the seminar room at an arm’s
length from the wall.
Now, ask all of them to close their eyes and push the wall with full
You should generate excitement, motivating the members of both the groups
to keep pushing the wall with all their strength.
You can also add humor to the entire activity by telling the first group
that the second group has already moved the wall by a few inches. Then go to
the second group and tell them because of the efforts of the first group the
wall has actually started moving.
After a few minutes you should ask the participants to open their eyes,
go back to their seats and relax because they had done such a gigantic task.
Now ask each group to make improvements in the housekeeping and layout arrangements of the seminar room or any other improvements they wish to bring in the seminar hall. Divide the area of the room into two equal partitions and assign one half of the room to first group and the other half area of the room to the other group.
Let them not only discuss their improvement plans but also make the
actual physical changes in arrangements, layout and housekeeping etc.
After they finish this part of the exercise, ask them to revert to their
Once the participants are back to their respective seats, take the
feedback– whether the wall had actually moved or not in the first part of the
exercise. The answer here would be obviously a “no".
Also take their feedback on the second part of the exercise. Everyone
will confirm that they could bring about the improvements in the seminar hall
by applying their own influence and they did not need an external agency to do
You can now explain the participants the concepts of “area of influence”
and “area of concern” and the importance of focusing on the “area of influence”
and not worry, complain or crib about the “area of concern or constraint”
though they do exist all around us. The wall here denoted the “area of concern”
or “area of non-influence” and though it existed, the participants could still
bring about improvements in the seminar hall.
You should re-emphasize that one should try to focus on “area of control”
or “area of influence” rather than wasting time on issues on which we have no
control and wrap up the session.

Get Hold of the Related Books
You can order the following books on "management games and icebreakers" as printed books and eBooks from Amazon online:
  1. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers (Volume 2)
  3. Classic Team Building Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  4. 101 Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
Related Reading: (Repository of a large number of articles in management and leadership): and

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Participative Quiz

For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:

As a trainer or workshop or seminar conductor you may feel the need to carry out the recap of the learnings by the participants of your program. You may also feel like warming up or energizing the group when you are part way through the course. “Quiz” is an effective participative management exercise for revising or recapitulating the course content and energizing the group by involving them.

Divide the entire participants into two groups randomly. You can ask all the participants to shout out their serial numbers as 1 and 2- first participant shouts out 1, the second shouts his number as 2 and then the third one shouts 1 and the fourth one as 2 and so on till all participants shout out their numbers as either 1 or 2. Then all those whose number is 1 form the first group and all those whose number is 2 form the second group. The groups may like to appoint their coordinators for each group.

Give to the coordinators of the two groups a pile of blank cards. Motivate them to write as many questions as they can in 15 minutes covering the program content that you have delivered to the participants till this exercise is administered. Ask the groups to write their group number on the top right hand side of each card.

You as the seminar leader will now alternately select a valid question from one group and direct that question to the other team. The process continues until all valid questions written by both teams have been asked and answered.

The teams score one point for every question they answer correctly and another point for every one of their questions which is selected as valid by you as the trainer. Whenever the group required to answer a question is not able to answer that question, the same will be addressed to the group that wrote that question. If they are in a position to answer they will earn one point for that. When both the groups are unable to answer any question, you should intervene and supply the answer for the recap to be complete.

Now if you find that some important parts of the topics covered by you have not been recapitulated, you can ask the questions based on those topics to the groups. Whosoever will raise the hand to answer those questions will be given the first opportunity to answer. Allot the points for each answer to the respective group.

Total up the points scored by each group and announce the winner group. Every participant will clap thunderously for the winner group.

Get Hold of the Related Books
You can order the following books on "management games and icebreakers" as printed books and eBooks from Amazon online:

  1. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers (Volume 2)
  3. Classic Team Building Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  4. 101 Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
Related Reading: (Repository of a large number of articles in management and leadership): and

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Important, Urgent and Unimportant

For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:

This particular management exercise can be done in the form of a demonstration by you as the program coordinator or workshop leader with the help of a volunteer from the program participants and other participantsbeing the keen observers. This exercise can be very successfully used in your sessions on time management and to explain the concept and model for prioritizationof the tasks.(You will be more equipped and effective to conduct this demonstration if you have a good idea about the four quadrant time management matrix for which you may like to refer: (Time Management)
You will need to two transparent jars of equal dimension and shapes made up of plastic or glass with wider mouths. Other materials required are:
  • Sand or much shaped small pebbles of same size to fill in three fourths of one jar.

  • Around 10 bigger stones or rocks that can be inserted into the jars.
Paste white paper on all the 10 bigger stones.
Now on 8 of the bigger stones (on the papers stuck on them) write by a black ink marker brief descriptions of certain important tasks like seeking opportunities, improvement in competencies, expansion project of the organization, advancement in educational qualifications, relationship building, vacation with family, upkeep of health, children’s education (you should feel free to replace these suggested tasks by any other important tasks you may have in mind).
On the rest 2 big stones (on the papers stuck on them), write the descriptions of certain urgent tasks like attending to an important customer who might cancel a huge order if you attend to him urgently, attending a breakdown maintenance of a vital machine of your organization or the production will stop (you should feel free to replace these suggested tasks by any other important tasks you may have in mind).
Place the jars on the table in front of your audience. One jar will be three fourths filled with sand or small sized pebbles. Request for a volunteer from among your seminar participants to come forward and help you.
Request the volunteer to read the label on each of the large stones (rocks) and decide if he will like to undertake that task on priority. If yes, he should insert that stone inside the jar that is filled with send (or small pebbles). Likewise he should treat all the 10 large stones. However, he will not be allowed to insert the stones if they overflow out of the jar. So, in the process if he may find that the bigger size of few particular stones is coming in the way of accommodating other big stones in the jar. Then he can decide to keep them outside the jar and not insert them inside it. That means that under the existing conditions he will not like to undertake those importantor urgent jobs and they may suffer.
Soon he will find that despite his not liking it he has been forced to keep off some important or urgent tasks and thus postpone doing them.
Now, you as the workshop leader should ask him if he can think of some other way of filling the jar such that he will be in position to accommodate all the 10 big stones in the jar without sacrificing any important tasks.
He will soon realize the better method by himself or by being prompted by the audience of first undertaking the important and urgent tasks on priority i.e. filling in the bigger 10 stones first inside the other vacant jar and then as the next step by filling all of the sand (or small pebbles) from the other jar on top of these 10 stones.
To everyone’s surprise with this kind of new prioritization, not only was he able to accomplished all the important and urgent tasks but even the not so important tasks represented by the sand (or by the small pebbles).
Wind up the session with some participant discussion around the topic of time management and your additional inputs.

Get Hold of the Related Books
You can order the following books on "management games and icebreakers" as printed books and eBooks from Amazon online:

  1. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers (Volume 2)
  3. Classic Team Building Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  4. 101 Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
Related Reading: (Repository of a large number of articles in management and leadership): and

Monday, January 24, 2011

Do Not Forget to Renew

For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at:

This management exercise is apt for explaining many concepts. As a program coordinator or workshop leader, you can use it in your sessions on illustrating difference between effectiveness and efficiency, establishing the need for building up production capability of resources, sorting out the dilemma in prioritizing various activities, need for renewal or rejuvenation to lead a stress free life etc.

Start with giving all the participants pencils with broken leads and asking them to write a paragraph of around ten sentences of their choice with it on their note pads.

They will obviously ask for the pencil sharpeners to sharpen the lead of the pencils. Refuse for some time and insist that they should use the pencils given to them to write.

Observe what each one does.

Some may still insist on getting the sharpener to sharpen the pencil.

Now give them some sharpeners to sharpen the lead of their pencils and let them circulate the sharpeners among the others even those who did not insist on asking for sharpener.

Let them sharpen and then resume writing. Let them note down the time they took to sharpen the pencil and time taken to write the paragraph. Let them workout the percentages. Let them decide which was the priority activity? Could a resource (a pencil or a machine or a human being) be used productively without maintaining it in a proper condition?

Initiate a discussion among the participants around these observations for some time. You can aid the discussions with your own inputs.

Now get two volunteers to who will be willing to cut a small block of wood by a hacksaw. Set up two blocks of wood of similar shape and dimensions and two hacksaws. One of these saws will have pretty sharp teeth and other saw’s teeth will be absolutely blunt.

All other participants of your program will be observers. They will record the time taken by each participant to cut the block of wood. Obviously the volunteer with sharpened saw will cut the wood while the other volunteer with blunt saw will not be able to cut the wood tough he appeared to be equally busy.

Start another discussion among the participants. Let the volunteers also share their experiences. With their discussions aided by your inputs, the participants will be able to clarify to themselves concepts mentioned at the beginning paragraph of this write-up.

Relate this exercise also to the importance of need for the human beings to take some time out from their busy schedules to renew or rejuvenate themselves.

Get Hold of the Related Books
You can order the following books on "management games and icebreakers" as printed books and eBooks from Amazon online:
  1. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers (Volume 2)
  3. Classic Team Building Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  4. 101 Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
Related Reading: (Repository of a large number of articles in management and leadership): and

Monday, January 17, 2011

Many Cooks Need Not Spoil the Broth

For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia “Management Universe” at: a trainer, workshop coordinator or seminar leader, you can use this management exercise to emphasize several aspects like:

  • Many brains are better than one.
  • Provided appropriate system of mutual discussion is adopted by the people involved in a group, it is possible to carry out meaningful dialogues and arrive at useful conclusions (many cooks need not spoil the broth).
  • Without getting adversarial or personal or emotional, it is possible for various people with different viewpoints to pool in their creative ideas together.
  • Thus, synergy works.
The exercise brings in excitement and enthusiasm and thus is an energizer too.
Think of any topic where the participants in your seminar may have different points of views and opinions.

Give them that topic. For example that topic may be related to addressing the environmental hazards affecting the individuals and how to safeguard oneself from them. Or you can choose any other topic.
Now request the participants of your program to discuss on the topic given to them by you on the following points progressively step by step and come to an agreement on each point (you should moderate their discussions making sure that despite having conflicting views points among them, the participants do not become adversarial with each other. You may use techniques like “six thinking hats” or “brainstorming” or “problem solving” or “seven problem solving tools of quality circles” etc):
  • What is the real problem? Steer the discussions towards arriving at the problem definition (problem well defined is half solved).
  • What are various important issues involved?
  • What are the possible solutions?
  • What is/are the best solution(s) as agreed by the participants of the group with consensus?
At the end of this exercise the participants will themselves experience the power of appropriate group process, teamwork and synergy. You may initiate some discussions around these themes among the participants based on this exercise undertaken by them.

Fill them in with any additional inputs you wish to give and wrap up the session.

Get Hold of the Related Books
You can order the following books on "management games and icebreakers" as printed books and eBooks from Amazon online:
  1. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers (Volume 2)
  3. Classic Team Building Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  4. 101 Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
Related Reading: (Repository of a large number of articles in management and leadership): and

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paper Boats

For everything you wanted to know on building leadership and management, refer Shyam Bhatawdekar’s website:

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia Management Universe at:
Making “paper boats” is wholesome management game or management exercise. You as a management faculty or seminar leader or workshop coordinator can use it in sessions on many topics like strategy management, quality management, leadership, communication, motivation, team building, team work and time management etc. The game simulates an organizational environment where ultimately you have to provide better value to the customer and earn more profits.

“Paper Boats” can also work as a motivator and energizer for your seminar.

Divide the participants of your workshop into groups or teams of 4 to 5 members each. The members in each team should be chosen randomly. Method of how to randomly choose the members in a team is given in the management exercise titled “Pass the Message” (URL: Ask each group or team to select its group leader or team leader.

Then take all the team leaders out of the seminar hall and explain them the activity they are supposed to get done in their groups. The activity will be one of making the paper boats. Demonstrate the method of making the paper boat out of a paper of specified dimensions. Make one sample boat for them.

Having demonstrated it, ask them if they have understood the same. Give them each one paper of the same dimensions that you had used and ask them to make the boat so that you are assured that they have understood how to make paper boats.

Instruct them that they will be given next 10 minutes to discuss with their group members. They can discuss anything they want e.g. method of making the paper boats, how many boats they will make, how many papers they will need and what kind of profits they plan to make etc. Also instruct them that once they have finished their discussions within 10 minutes, they will be given 20 minutes within which each group will have to make (manufacture) the paper boats. Tell them that after 20 minutes they will stop manufacturing and start selling the boats.

You will take the role of the seller of the papers of specified dimensions for the purpose of making the paper boats. You will sell papers @ $1 per paper. Once the paper is sold, it cannot be returned.

The groups will be able to sell their boats @ $3 per boat.

Let the group leaders now meet their respective groups. Give them 10 minutes to discuss things within their groups. After 10 minutes each group will start manufacturing the boats for next 20 minutes.

After this the groups will calculate the price of each boat they produced. It will be calculated by dividing the total price of the paper each group bought by the number of boats made by each group.

You will now act as the customer. You will go to each group, inspect each boat thoroughly and decide to buy only the real good quality boats and reject the bad quality boats. The number of paper boats sold thus by each group to you (i.e. to the customer) will be noted down for each group.

Thus earnings (revenue) of each group will be known. Each group will subtract the total money they had spent on buying the paper. The difference of the two will be the profit of a group. Each group will also calculate the paper wasted by them (number of papers bought more than their requirements plus the papers which went as waste because while using them to make boats they got spoiled, torn etc). Each group will also calculate the rejection percentage of the boats produced. All these figures will be displayed on a flip chart for all to see.

You will now start a discussion among the participants in your role of the faculty of the program. Let them discuss about strategy, planning, leadership, communication, motivation, quality emphasis, inventory management, production efficiency, time management, sales planning, profit planning and anything else they want to discuss.

Let them share with you as to they could have improved their performances.

Wrap up the session with your own inputs to the participants.

Get Hold of the Related Books
You can order the following books on "management games and icebreakers" as printed books and eBooks from Amazon online:
  1. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers (Volume 2)
  3. Classic Team Building Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
  4. 101 Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
Related Reading: (Repository of a large number of articles in management and leadership): and

Additional Reading Opportunities

Alphabetic List of of Management Topics and Their Site URLs
(The term "management" here does not limit itself to just about business management but it encompasses management of all kinds of things like life management, home management, family management, health management, travel management, food management and so on).

Home Pages for All the Topics

1. (Home Pages for Brief Introduction to All the Business Management Topics and

2. (Home Page for All General and Psychological Counseling)

3. (Home Page for All Home Tips: Home and Family Management

4. (Home Page for All Products: Products Knowledge Management

Topics Starting with Numbers

(5S Housekeeping)
(5S Housekeeping at Home: Home Management

Topics Starting with Alphabets

(ABC Analysis or Pareto Analysis or 80/20 Rule) or
(Activity Based Costing- ABC)
(Anecdotes in Management)
(Anger Management)
(Articles, blogs and knols of Shyam Bhatawdekar: Home Page)
(Assessment Centers)
(Authentic and Free Management Notes)
(A to Z of Management Systems)
(A to Z of Quality Techniques)

(Balanced Scorecard)
(Basic Statistics)
(Behavioral Safety)
(Body Language or Non-verbal Communication)
(Books- Best Books)
(Books- Best Management Books)
(Branding- Personal/Professional Branding or
(Business Ethics and Ethics in Management)
(Business Plan)
(Business Process ReengineeringBPR

(Career Planning within Organizations)
(Case Method)
(Case Studies in Management)
(CEO Roles, Qualities and Competencies)
(Change Management)
(Child Development: Stories for Children
(Children’s Behavior Problems: Family Management
(Competencies- Life Management
(Competency Matrix/Competency Mapping: Success by Building Competencies/Skills)
(Competency Mapping)
(Competency Matrix)
(Conflict Management)
(Corporate Governance)
(Cost Management)
(Cost of Quality- COQ
(Counseling at Workplace)
(Counseling: Psychological)
(Creativity- Out of Box Articles
(Creativity and Innovation)
(Critical Thinking skills)
(Cross Cultural Etiquette and Manners)
(Customer Orientation)
(Customer Relationship management- CRM

(Daily Management)
(Decision Making)

(Effectiveness and Efficiency)
(Effectiveness Management: HSoftware
(Efficiency Techniques: Work study: Motion and Time Study)
(Efficient Work Methods or Practices)
(Email Etiquette)
(Emotional Intelligence)
(Enterprise Resource Planning- ERP
(Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur)
(Entertainment Management- English Movies
(Entertainment Management- Hindi Movies
(Executive Etiquette and Manners)
(Exit Interview)

(Financial Ratios and Financial Ratio Analysis)

(Financial Services)
(Free and Authentic Notes on Management)
(Functions of Management)
(Food Management: Recipes, Easy to Cook
(Food Management: Recipes, Exotic)

(Games and Icebreakers for Trainers)
(Gemba Kaizen
(General Knowledge Management- GK
(General Knowledge Management- Top 5/Top 10 of Everything
(Genuine Professional- Long Article
(Global Mindset)
(Goal/Target Setting)
(Good Boss)
(Great Professional)
(Group Discussion)
(Group Discussion for Job Seekers and Students)
(Group Dynamics)

(Health and Safety Management)

(Health Management- Cholesterol Control
(Health Management- Homeopathy
(Health Management- Exercises
(Health Management- Quit Smoking
(Health management- Swine Flu and Its Prevention
(Health Management- Walking
(How to Be a Good Boss?)
(How to Get Promoted?)
(How to Save Money?)
(How to Save Money?- Long Comprehensive Article)
(Home Management- Home Page for All Home Tips
(HR Dynamics)
(HR Strategies and Functions)
(Human Capital Architecture)
(Human Relations)
(Human Resource Management- Comprehensive Coverage of HRM)
(Human Resource Planning)
(Human Software- HSoftware)

(I Am Liberated- Life Management)
(I Am OK, You Are OK)
(Icebreakers and Energizers)
(Internal Motivation or Self Motivation)
(Interpersonal Relations)
(Interview Skills)
(Interview Preparation for Job Seekers)
(Interview Questions)

(Johari Window)
(Just in Time Management- JIT

(Knowledge Management)

(Lead Time Management)
(Leadership) and
(Lean Enterprise)
(Learning Organization)
(Life Management- Latest HSoftware Model)
(Life Management- I Am Liberated; Freedom from Shackles and Burdens)
(Life Management: Success in Life)
(Life Management: My Exotic Dream: World Peace and Other Good Things of Life)
(Life Positions and OKness)
(Life Skills)

(Management Anecdotes)
(Managenent Books- Best Books)
(Management Book- Best Books)
(Management Games, Management Exercises, Icebreakers and Energizers)
(Managing Life- Freedom from Shackles and Burdens)
(Management in Life, Profession, Family and Society)
(Management Information System- MIS
(Managing/conducting Meetings)
(Management Notes- Free and Authentic)
(Marginal Utility)
(Marketing Management Overview)
(Marketing Orientation)
(Marketing Management Tasks)
(Market research)
(Market Segmentation)
(Money Management: How to Save Money
(Money Management: How to Save Money- Long Comprehensive Article)
(Management Encyclopedia- Everything on Management and Leadership)

(Negotiation Skills)
(Negotiation Tactics)
(Non-verbal Communication or Body Language)

(Objection Handling)
(OKness or Life Positions)
(Opportunities in Recession)
(Organization Development- OD
(Organizational Culture)
(Out of Box Ideas)
(Ownership on Job)

(Paradigm and Paradigm Shift)
(Parental Responsibilities- family management
(Pareto Analysis or ABC Analysis or 80/20 Rule) or
(Participative Processes, Participative Management- Democracy)
(Performance Management: Wholesome HR System)
(Performance Management and Appraisal)
(Personal Branding) or
(Positive Strokes)
(Presentation Skills)
(Problem Solving)
(Product Knowledge: Home Page for All Products)
(Product Knowledge- Cars
(Product Knowledge- Chocolates
(Product Knowledge- Flowers
(Product Knowledge- Greeting Cards
(Product Knowledge- Cell Phones
(Professional- Genuine Professional)
(Professional Branding) or
(Profit Improvement)
(Project Management)
(Psychological Strokes)
(Public Speaking)

(Qualities of CEO)
(Quality Circles History)
(Quality Circles)
(Quality Function Deployment- QFD and House of Quality)
(Quality Gurus)

(Recession: How to Avert Recession, How to Combat Recession and Then, How to Move Ahead?)
(Recession Management)
(Recession: Opportunities in Recession)
(Recruitment and Selection)
(Research Methodology)

(Safety and Health Management)
(Sales/Selling Process)
(Sales Promotion)
(Save Money)
(Self-awareness: Getting Introduced to Self)
(Self Development)
(Self Motivation or Internal Motivation)
(Shyam Bhatawdekar's articles, blogs and knols: Home Page)
(Shyam Bhatawdekar's Effectiveness Model- HSoftware
(Six Sigma)
(Six Thinking Hats)
(Soft Skills)
(Soft Skills/Competencies: Details of Each Competency)
(Spiritual Quotient/Intelligence)
(Stories for Children for Child Development)
(Statistics- Basics)
(Strategic Management)
(Stress Management)
(Stress Management: Stress Freedom: Long Comprehensive Article)
(Success in Life: Life Management)
(Supply Chain Management)
(Supply and Demand)
(Swine Flu and Its Prevention)

(Talent Management)
(Team Building)
(Telephone Etiquette)
(Three Sixty Degrees Appraisal System)
(Time Management)
(Total Productive Maintenance- TPM
(Total Quality Management- TQM
(Training and Development)
(Training Games)
(Trainers’ Qualities)
(Train the Trainers)
(Train the Trainers)
(Training of Trainers- Comprehensive at One Place)
(Transaction Analysis- TA
(Tourism, Travel and Sightseeing Management- India
(Tourism, Travel and Sightseeing Management- World
(Tourism, Trave and Sightseeing Management- World Heritage Sites
(TRIZ: Inventive Problem Solving)

(Value Engineering/Analysis)

(Winners and Losers)
(Work Study: Method Study and Work Measurement)
(Work Methods or Practices: Efficient)
(World Class Manufacturing)
(Writings of Shyam Bhatawdekar on Management)
(Written Communication)

(Zero Based Budgeting)